Vedic And Spiritual Site

Chamara Yoga

Chamara Yoga in Vedic Astrology

How Chamara Yoga Produced?

There are two types of combinations possible in formation of Chamara Yoga

--> When Lagna (ascendant) lord being exalted or in his own sign and also not combust, occupying a kendra and aspected by Jupiter Chamara Yoga will be formed.

--> When the two benefic planets (Jupiter and Venus) together placed in one of these houses - 1st house/lagna or in the seventh house or in ninth house or in the tenth house without malefic influence, Chamara Yoga will be formed.

Result of Chamara Yoga

The person with Chamara yoga makes the native a king or honored by a king. He himself will be in a position of authority. He will be possessed with knowledge, wisdom, brilliance in various subjects including sacred scriptures. He will live for 70 years.