Vedic And Spiritual Site

Gemini Personality - Positive & Negative Traits

Gemini Personality

Gemini is the 3rd sign of the zodiac and its lord is Mercury. Gemini is a sign of communication. They love to communicate at different levels. Communication is not only in verbal form but also in the form of art, writing, music, etc. They can transfer their ideas to the audience very well. They are very talkative in general. They can start communication even with strangers. They cannot stop themselves from expressing their feelings and emotions. There is a tenderness and innocence in their expressions that anyone listens to them will fall in love. They will have child-like qualities, which will make them adorable in a group.

Gemini Personality

Generally, their mind will be very active. They cannot keep quiet for long. They are very curious about everything happening around them. The curious cat within them wants to know and explore everything. They would like to know in and around. On a positive side, it makes them knowledgeable, intelligent, and well informed. But on a negative side, it makes them gossip and create tension.

Gemini is a dual sign and duality is the lower state of consciousness. Often we confuse the term duality with fickle or volatile. But here duality means doing two things simultaneously. They are the masters in balancing between two extremes like happiness-sadness, anger-pleasure, cautious-impulsiveness, love-hate, etc. Geminians can think in different ways simultaneously. They love the variety and they can do more than one work at a time. They are good multitaskers. But they somehow lose focus after some point. That is the reason they will be more focused on short-term things. Sometimes they will be called ‘jack of all trades, master on none’.

Gemini is an airy sign. It will make them very imaginative. They have vivid imaginative ability to create forms, images, and ideas in mind. They will be best suited in a profession where creativity has a scope. But the drawback is that they mostly think of shorter-term rather than long-term plans.

They can sit and dream for any amount of time. If there is a positive influence from other planets, the dreams will become fulfilled. However, if there is a negative influence from other planets, the dreams will become mere daydreams.

Gemini people are filled with youthfulness. They will be very active in nature. Activity keeps them happy and content. Their faces will look very youthful and nourishing. They generally look younger than their actual age.

Geminians are predominantly happy being in the materialistic state. They give more importance to logic and reasoning. They don’t like to experiment beyond logic. Hence they prefer to stay away from spirituality. No doubt they are the intelligent lot but entangled with materialistic pleasures.

Positive Side of Gemini Personality

Gemini people are fun to be around. Their presence will make the environment lively and buoyant. They are very flexible in nature. They will easily adapt to the situation in hand. Because of their versatile nature, they will be treated as multifaceted in society.

Negative Side of Gemini Personality

They like to engage in gossip and will indulge in casual conversation about other people. Because of this nature, others may not trust them very easily. They will be very restless in nature and hence they lack enjoyment in life. They look very nervous and tense, even though they are actually not. Another negative aspect is their short-sightedness. They don’t think and plan for long-term goals. Mostly they are happy with shorter-term plans.