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Impact of Astrological Houses on Health in Medical Astrology

Everyone desires to live a healthy life, but various factors, such as karma or lifestyle choices, can cause suffering. According to medical astrology, the positioning of planets in one's horoscope can influence health. By analyzing the horoscope, specifically the planets and houses, we can gain insights into potential health issues. In this article, we will explore the impact of astrological houses on health accorting to Medical Astrology.

Key Houses in Medical Astrology

First House (Ascendant):

The Ascendant represents the entire body and its resistance power. A strong Ascendant indicates robust health and resilience, while a weak or afflicted Ascendant suggests lower resistance to illnesses.

Sixth House:

This house is crucial for understanding diseases. Any affliction in the 6th house or its ruling planet can lead to organ-related problems.

Eighth House:

The 8th house determines longevity. Afflictions here can indicate significant health issues affecting the native's lifespan.

Twelfth House:

Known as the house of hospitalization, the 12th house is examined for potential health afflictions that may require medical attention.

Health and Diseases Associated with Each House

Ascendant (First House):

The first house of the horoscope is associated with health issues related to the head and brain. This includes diseases of the scalp, hair loss, head injuries, and problems in the cerebellum and nervous center. Conditions such as brain tumors, brain hemorrhages, and blood rush in the head are linked to this house. Other associated ailments include tinnitus, epilepsy, mental imbalances, psychological syndromes, headaches, memory loss, periodic dreams, and disturbances in mental patterns. Read more on the 1st House in Astrology

Second House:

The second house governs the face, including the eyes, nose, tongue, and teeth. Afflictions in this house can lead to issues such as cataracts, dental problems, thyroid disorders, facial scars, ENT complications, and speech disorders. Read more on the 2nd House in Astrology

Third House:

The third house is associated with the neck, throat, and shoulders. Afflictions in this house can cause problems such as deafness, throat diseases, frozen shoulders, neck pain, vertigo, throat cancer, and fear psychosis. Read more on the 3rd House in Astrology

Fourth House:

The fourth house governs the chest region. Health issues related to this house can include lung conditions, heart diseases, bronchitis, respiratory problems, chest pain, breast issues, and pneumonia. Read more on the 4th House in Astrology

Fifth House:

The fifth house is associated with the intestines and reproductive organs. Health issues in this house can involve lower heart problems, womb and uterus complications, menstrual disorders, lower back pain, and difficulties with childbearing. Read more on the 5th House in Astrology

Sixth House:

The sixth house is connected to the spinal cord, stomach, liver, and kidneys. Afflictions in this house can lead to issues such as slipped discs, digestive problems, constipation, acidity, stomach ulcers, jaundice, and colic infections. Read more on the 6th House in Astrology

Seventh House:

The seventh house governs the urinary bladder and lower abdomen. Health issues related to this house can include appendicitis, prostate problems, sexual disorders, and complications in the navel region. Read more on the 7th House in Astrology

Eighth House:

The eighth house is associated with the private parts and excretory organs. Health issues in this house can include sexually transmitted diseases, piles, fistulas, rectal cancer, menstrual disturbances, and undetectable diseases. Read more on the 8th House in Astrology

Ninth House:

The ninth house governs the thighs and hips. Afflictions in this house can lead to pelvis bone diseases, low immunity, bowel diseases, and low hemoglobin levels. Read more on the 9th House in Astrology

Tenth House:

The tenth house is associated with the knees and joints. Afflictions in this house can lead to health issues such as arthritis, knee cap replacements, joint problems, and allergies. Read more on the 10th House in Astrology

Eleventh House:

The eleventh house concerns the legs. Health issues related to this house can include calf muscle cramps, thrombosis, gangrene, ankle problems, leg fractures, and issues with the left ear. Read more on the 11th House in Astrology

Twelfth House:

The twelfth house governs the feet and left eye. Afflictions in this house can result in conditions such as dry feet, gangrene, and situations requiring hospitalization. Read more on the 12th House in Astrology

By understanding the connections between astrological houses and health, medical astrology provides insights that can help in predicting and managing potential health issues.

Read more on planets

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