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Rahu in Astrology

Remedies for Rahu in Astrology | Rahu Remedies

Significations of North Node/Rahu in Astrology

    • Rahu is not a physical planet, yet it has a very big role in astrology>
    • Rahu is a shadow planet and it creates an eclipse or illusion over the planets it is associated and the house itself>
    • Rahu represents the unfulfilled desires of past lives. It will create wrong perceptions about life and make you run after that.>
    • Rahu in the chart shows for any addictions, cravings, and compulsions of the person
    • When Rahu is well placed, it can bestow abundant wealth and prosperity
    • Rahu always induce one to go after materialistic pleasures
    • Other significations include a magician, thieves, jail, poison, gambling, cheating, thief, black magic, explosion, dark secrets, mysticism, illegality, foreign language, conspiracy, secret acts, etc.
    • In the profession, it represents drug and poison industry, chemical, gas, mining, archeology, detective, underground activities, politics, film industry, etc.

    Result of Weak and Malefic Rahu

      • When Rahu is associated with malefic planets, it gives cunningness and deceitful nature
      • People with malefic Rahu may indulge in illegal activities and give the least preference to morality
      • They will get into addictions and will be difficult to come back
      • There is a tendency for people to run after fame, money and material possessions. But when it goes out of control, it creates all the problems.
      • A malefic Rahu will create greed, selfishness, anger, possessiveness, falsehood, etc

      Diseases caused by Rahu

      Diseases caused by malefic Rahu are mostly mysterious & undetectable in nature, leprosy, cancer, food poison complications, sexually transmitted diseases, diseases due to serpent bites, insect bites, poisons & chemicals, viral diseases, skin problems, diseases due to excessive alcohol and drugs.


      Remedies for Weak and Malefic Rahu

      Remedies work in two ways: one is strengthening a weak planet (sometimes strong planet also) and other is creating protection from the malefic planet. The Planet is like a mirror, which shows our present condition.

      Certain karmas appear to teach some lessons to the individual. Acknowledging and surrendering to it is the first step. That acknowledgment and correcting the mistake is like reversing the karma, with the help of remedies. Reversing of karma can be done in many ways and involves certain procedures. And some karmas cannot be reversed and have to be experienced in its own way. But again with the help of remedies, one can change the attitude of acceptance.

      Rahu is a shadow planet and when ill placed it shadows life. It can create wrong perceptions about life and take you to any extreme situations. Therefore, one should not surrender to these false attachments. All types of remedies are given below to come out from the clutch of Rahu.

      • Psychological Remedies for Rahu
        Rahu is a shadow planet and when it is ill-placed, it creates an illusion over the mind. And it will create the wrong perception about people and life itself. Therefore, don’t judge anything with the face value. Just analyze the situation before making any decisions. Also, Rahu represents unfulfilled desires and when it goes out of control, it becomes addictions and cravings. So, just learn to live with whatever you have. These excessive urges can damage a lot in the future. Just calm your mind and senses by practicing yoga, pranayama, and meditation.
      • Mantra Remedies for Rahu

        Mantras are a powerful way of reducing the ill effects of the malefic planets. Chanting any of these regularly will bestow good results. Any mantra can be chanted but the important point is to gain siddhi from that mantra.

        --> Rahu Bija Mantra - Aum Ram Rahave Namah

        --> Rahu Tantrik mantra - Aum Bhraam Bhreem Bhroum Sah Rahave namah - Chant 18000 times in 40 days

        --> Rahu Stotra - Ardha Kaayam Maha Viryam Chandraditya Vimardanam Simhika Garbha Sambhutam Tam Rahum Pranamamyaham ||

        (Meaning: I bow before the one who is having half body but very powerful with great strength and vigor, one who has overpowered the Sun and Moon, one who was born out of Simhika’s womb and I pray to him with humbleness.)

        --> For Success/Longevity - Naga Stotra, Mrityunjaya Stotram Kannada Hindi Telugu Tamil Gujarati Oriya Malayalam Bengali

        --> For protection - Rahu Kavacham, Chamundi Kavacham

        --> Prosperity - Rudra Hrudayam, Kalabhairava Ashtakam Kannada Hindi Telugu Tamil Gujarati Oriya Malayalam Bengali

        --> Removal of doshas - Rahu Ashtottara Shatanamavali Kannada Hindi Telugu Tamil Gujarati Oriya Malayalam Bengali , Shiva Ashtottara Shatanamavali Kannada Hindi Telugu Tamil Gujarati Oriya Malayalam Bengali

      • Worship

        Worshiping can be internal or external. External worship includes devotion to the divine in the form of image, idol, linga, saligrama or any other symbol. Internal worship is done through mental channels without any physical entity. Get up early in the mornings and perform pooja to the deity.


        --> Worship Goddess Durga, Goddess Chandi, Lord Shiva. Lord Kalabhairava

        --> Perform Mrityunjaya Homam

      • Charity and Donation

        To strengthen the planet Rahu, one should donate things which are related to Rahu. Also, create affirmations in the mind, like ‘all the karmas created intentionally or unintentionally should go away’. Donate these items as per your ability. These can be given on Wednesdays or Fridays during Nakshatras of Rahu.

        Articles for donation are urad dal, barley, brown colour clothes, glass items, coconut, medicines, etc.

      • Vrata or Rituals

        Perform Durgashtami Vrat, Ananthapadmanabha Vrat, Katyayani Vrat

      • Gemstone and Rudraksha Remedies for Rahu

        The gemstone is a crystal piece which allows the particular colour of rays in a magnified way to the body. These are used to strengthen the planetary vibrations in the body.

        The gemstone for the planet Rahu is Gomed or Hessonite. It must be embedded in a ring on a middle finger and its bottom should touch the body part. Consult an astrologer before wearing it.

        For Rahu, one should wear 8 faced rudraksha.

      • Ayurveda Remedies for Rahu

        Rahu According to Rahu - In Ayurveda, Rahu is a shadow planet but causes predominantly Vata dosha in the body. Vata regulates movements and provides vitality in the body. It stimulates digestive enzymes for digestion. It is responsible for blood circulation, breathing, etc. Vata dosha can cause dryness, joint pain, cold, numbness in the body. Another problem is that Vata dosha will also transport other doshas into various parts of the body, thereby creating an imbalance.

        Weak Rahu can cause vata imbalance in the body. Do the following to minimize the ill effects.


        --> Consume ghee, oily food, buttermilk, cheese

        --> Try hot soups and hot fluids

        --> Use warm spices like ginger, garlic, turmeric, cinnamon, flaxseeds, etc

        --> Avoid cold, carbonated drinks, frozen foods

        --> Bath with warm water with regular oil massage

        --> Use the herbs ashwagandha and shatavari

      • Yoga and Pranayama Remedies for Rahu

        --> Vajrasana

        --> Marjariasana (Cat stretch)

        --> Virabhadrasana (Warrior Pose)

        --> Vrikshasana (Tree Pose)

        --> Makarasana (Crocodile Pose)

        --> Pawanmuktasana

        --> Ujjayi Breathing

      • Yantra Remedies for Rahu
        Yantras are mathematical symbols or diagrams. Generally, they are used in worshipping deities and planet lords and also in tantric acts. When it is energized and worshiped daily, can create positive influence around. Rahu Yantra is used to strengthen Rahu. But bring yantra after consultation only.
      • Colour Therapy For Rahu
        Colours are used to balance energy in the body. The seven chakras in the body are associated with different colours. Similarly, planets are also associated with different colours. Imbalance of any colour can create problems in that particular chakra and also on the planet. Colour therapy can reduce that imbalance. Brown and Blue are the colours of Rahu. So, wear more of these coloured clothes to strengthen Saturn.
      • Music Therapy for Rahu
        Music will impact the mind in its own way. Every planet is associated with different raga and tala. So, working on these aspects can alter the planetary vibrations. There is no specific music associated with Rahu but Bhairavi, Saranga, and Malav are closely associated and regular listening of these ragas can improve the prospects of Rahu.
      • Other Remedies for Rahu

        --> Feed street dogs

        --> Do not get into the addiction of alcohol and drugs

      You can also find remedies for other planets here:

      Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Ketu