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Sun in astrology

Remedies for Sun in Astrology | Surya Remedies

Significations of Surya/Sun in Astrology

    • Sun represents the soul, self, one’s personality, ego, power, leadership qualities, self-realization, courage, power. He signifies who you are as a soul.
    • He also signifies father and the qualities or genes gained from the father’s side, relationship with father,
    • Sun is a vast and majestic planet represents royal status, magnetism, authority, royal favour, power, fame, honour etc.
    • Sun signifies political career, bureaucracy, govt. properties, favours from Govt. etc. If the Sun is debilitated or weak, then trouble from Govt arises.
    • Sun represents the heart, head, eye


Result of Malefic Sun

    • When the Sun is posited in malefic positions, the native will be insecure and uncertain in life. They will try to dominate others and at the same time do not get along well with superiors.
    • Relationship with father might get spoiled
    • This position makes them overconfident, arrogant, proud, self-opinionated, over authoritative and always try to praise themselves.
    • There can be problems related to bones
    • There can be problems related to heart especially in old age
    • They may face many obstacles in dealing with Government work & projects and even politicians


Result of Weak Sun

    • The individual will be low in confidence and may face problems in dealing with society
    • They may have a weak constitution and low in metabolism
    • There could problems related to eyes and eyesight could become dull


Diseases caused by the Sun

General body weakness, Eye problems, heart problems, sunstroke, sunburns, digestive fire, bilious complications, baldness, weak constitution, long bones, stomach, blood & immune system.


Remedies for Weak and Malefic Sun

Remedies work in two ways: one is strengthening a weak planet (sometimes strong planet also) and other is creating protection from the malefic planet. The planet is like a mirror, which shows our present condition.

Certain karmas appear to teach some lessons to the individual. Acknowledging and surrendering to it is the first step. That acknowledgement and correcting the mistake is like reversing the karma, with the help of remedies. Reversing of karma can be done in many ways and involves certain procedures. And some karmas cannot be reversed and have to be experienced in its own way. But again with the help of remedies, one can change the attitude of acceptance.

Sun is the life force within us and it is a natural atmakaraka planet. When the Sun is posited in malefic place means that there are problems at the soul level. Therefore, one has to clean the doshas related to Sun.

  • Psychological Remedies for Sun
    When the Sun is overpowered by other planets (especially Saturn), there can be a feeling of low confidence and problems in dealing with society. In these times, you should intentionally present yourself positively to the outer world. You should not suppress ego but boost yourself by creating positive affirmations. When Sun is strong and malefic, then there will be excessive ego, which has to be controlled.
  • Mantra Remedies for Sun

    Mantras are a powerful way of reducing the ill effects of the malefic planets. Chanting any of these mantras regularly will bestow good results.

    --> Beeja Mantra - Om Hram Hreem Hroum Sah Suryaya Namah (Chant total 7000 times on Sundays)

    --> Gayatri Mantra - Read benefits of Gayatri mantra

    --> For intellect and removal of sorrow - Surya Malika Stotra

    --> For the protection of fire - Agni Stuti

    --> For health and fame - Suryashtakam Kannada Hindi Telugu Tamil Gujarati Oriya Malayalam Bengali

    --> For protection - Shiva Kavacha

    --> For protection from disease and abhichara - Surya Stava

    --> For all-round success and courage - Aditya Hrudayam Kannada Hindi Telugu Tamil Gujarati Oriya Malayalam Bengali

    --> For success - Surya Shatanamavali Kannada Hindi Telugu Tamil Gujarati Oriya Malayalam Bengali , Rama Shatanamavali Kannada Hindi Telugu Tamil Gujarati Oriya Malayalam Bengali

  • Worship

    Worshiping can be internal or external. External worship includes devotion to the divine in the form of image, idol, linga, saligrama or any other symbol. Internal worship is done through mental channels without any physical entity. Get up early in the mornings and perform pooja to the deity.

    --> Offer water to Sun

    --> Worship Lord Shiva

    --> Offer Red Rose

    --> Perform Rudrabhishek on Sundays

    --> Perform Gayatri havan or yagna

  • Charity and Donation
    To strengthen the planet Sun, one should donate things that are related to the Sun, like wheat, copper items, jaggery, red cloth, red flower, ghee. Also, create affirmations in the mind, like ‘all the karmas created intentionally or unintentionally should go away’. Donate these items as per your ability. These can be given on Sundays.
  • Vrata Remedies for Sun
    Perform Satyanarayana Vrata, Uma Maheswara Vrat, Shivaratri Vrat
  • Gemstone Remedies for Sun
    The gemstone is a crystal piece that allows the particular color of rays in a magnified way to the body. These are used to strengthen the planetary vibrations in the body. The gemstone for the planet Sun is Ruby or Manikya. It must be embedded in a ring and its bottom should touch the body part. Consult an astrologer before wearing it.
  • Ayurveda Remedies for Sun

    According to Ayurveda, the malefic nature of the Sun causes bilious or pitta dosha in the body. It can cause excessive hunger & thirst, burning sensation, Fatigue, lack of strength, anger, dizziness, greying of hair & baldness, excessive sweating, and very strong digestive power. Weak Sun can cause pitta imbalance in the body. Do the following to minimize the ill effects.

    --> Consume ghee, milk, butter regularly

    --> Prefer sweet fruits more than sour ones

    --> Don’t skip meals and maintain proper timings for the food.

  • Yoga and Pranayama Remedies for Sun

    --> Surya Namaskara

    --> Marjariasana (Cat stretch)

    --> Shishuasana (Child posture)

    --> Naukasa (Boat posture)

    --> Setubandhasana (Bridge posture)

    --> Perform Bhastrika Pranayama

  • Yantra Remedies for Sun
    Yantras are mathematical symbols or diagrams. Generally, they are used in worshipping deities and planet lords and also in tantric acts. When it is energized and worshiped daily, it can create positive influence around. Surya Yantra is used to strengthen the Sun. But bring yantra after consultation only.
  • Colour Therapy for Sun
    Colours are used to balance energy in the body. The seven chakras in the body are associated with different colours. Similarly, planets are also associated with different colours. Imbalance of any colour can create problems in that particular chakra and also on the planet. Colour therapy can reduce that imbalance. Red is the colour of the Sun. So, wear more red and orange coloured clothes to strengthen the Sun.
  • Music Therapy for Sun
    Music will impact the mind in its own way. Every planet is associated with different raga and tala. So, working on these aspects can alter the planetary vibrations. Dipak is the Raga associated with Jupiter and regular listening of this raga can improve the prospect of Jupiter.
  • Other Remedies for Sun

    --> Drink water from the copper vessel

    --> Avoid excessive salt in food especially on Sundays

You can also find remedies for other planets below:

Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu