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Venus in vedic astrology

Remedies for Venus in Astrology | Shukra Remedies

Significations of Shukra / Venus in Astrology

    • Venus is considered as a benefic planet which provides all kinds of material happiness, comforts, pleasures, and luxuries in life
    • It represents emotional attachments and harmony in relationships
    • Venus represents love, beauty, romance, and sex. It signifies seeking happiness, passion, enjoyment in everything. Therefore, Venus is the significator for a spouse too.
    • Venus also governs arts, creativity, music, dance, etc
    • In the profession, Venus represents areas such as arts, textile, food industry, entertainment, music, travel, finance, interior decoration, jewelry, media, fashion designing, etc.

Result of Malefic Venus

    • Venus represents love, beauty, and passionate behavior. When Venus turns malefic, these aspects will turn against the individual. Love turns into lust and excessive passionate behaviour, which can prove very harmful
    • They may face relationship problems in married life and even can cause extramarital affairs
    • They may have to face scandals related to business and sex

Result of Weak Venus

    • A Weak Venus in a chart can put the native into poverty and debt with lack of resources
    • They may encounter failures in love and married life. Or there could be problems in understanding with the spouse
    • They may suffer from lack of physical appeal with the opposite gender
    • There could be issues related to sexual organs, kidney, bladder, and eyes

Diseases caused by Venus

Diseases caused by weak Venus are diabetes, infertility in both men and women, kidney problems, anemia, lack of luster in eyes, pale complexion, the problem in sperm count, problems in urinary bladder and urethra, renal failure, menstrual problems in females, sexual diseases like aids, syphilis.


Remedies for Weak and Malefic Venus

Remedies work in two ways: one is strengthening a weak planet (sometimes strong planet also) and other is creating protection from the malefic planet. The planet is like a mirror, which shows our present condition.

Certain karmas appear to teach some lessons to the individual. Acknowledging and surrendering to it is the first step. That acknowledgment and correcting the mistake is like reversing the karma, with the help of remedies. Reversing of karma can be done in many ways and involves certain procedures. And some karmas cannot be reversed and have to be experienced in its own way. But again with the help of remedies, one can change the attitude of acceptance.

Venus signifies material happiness and emotional attachments in relationships. When Venus goes malefic, it creates many problems in relationships and happiness. Therefore, one has to clear the doshas related to Venus. All types of remedies are given below.

  • Psychological Remedies for Venus
    Venus rules over love and romance, but when it goes out of control, can become lust and slavery. Therefore, try to have control over senses by regular practice of yoga and meditation. Weak Venus can make you disinterested in arts, music, dance, creativity or cultural aspects. Try to involve in these activities more often to forcefully make changes in psychological patterns in the brain.
  • Mantra Remedies for Venus

    Mantras are a powerful way of reducing the ill effects of the malefic planets. Chanting any of these regularly will bestow good results. Any mantra can be chanted but the important point is to gain siddhi from that mantra.

    --> Venus mool mantra - Om Draam Dreem Droum Sah Shukraya Namah - Chant 16000 times in 40 days

    --> Shukra Stotra - Himakunda Mrinalaabham Daityaanam Paramam Gurum | Sarvashastra Pravaktaaraam Bhargavam Pranamamyaham ||

    --> For Success - Sri Suktam, Ashtalakshmi Stotram Kannada Hindi Telugu Tamil Gujarati Oriya Malayalam Bengali , Lakshmi Stuti

    --> For Happiness - Lalita Sahasranama Stotram, Durga Chalisa

    --> For protection - Shukra kavacham Kannada Hindi Telugu Tamil Gujarati Oriya Malayalam Bengali

    --> Prosperity - Lakshmi Hrudayam

    --> Removal of doshas - Lakshmi Ashtottara Shatanamavali Kannada Hindi Telugu Tamil Gujarati Oriya Malayalam Bengali , Devi Ashtottara Shatanamavali Kannada Hindi Telugu Tamil Gujarati Oriya Malayalam Bengali

  • Worship or Rituals

    Worshiping can be internal or external. External worship includes devotion to the divine in the form of image, idol, linga, saligrama or any other symbol. Internal worship is done through mental channels without any physical entity. Get up early in the mornings and perform pooja to the deity.


    --> Worship the ruling deity Lakshmi, Devi

    --> Perform Durga Namaskara havan

    --> Devi Pooja

  • Charity and Donation Remedies for Venus

    To strengthen the planet Venus, one should donate things which are related to Venus. Also, create affirmations in the mind, like ‘all the karmas created intentionally or unintentionally should go away’. Donate these items as per your ability. These can be given on Fridays in Shukra Hora.

    Articles for donation are clothes, hyacinth beans, curd, fashion items, sweat items, perfumes, white clothes, pink clothes.

  • Vrata or Rituals Remedies for Venus
    Perform Varamahalakshmi Vrat, Lakshmi Vrat
  • Gemstones and Rudraksha Remedies for Venus

    The gemstone is a crystal piece which allows the particular colour of rays in a magnified way to the body. These are used to strengthen the planetary vibrations in the body. The gemstone for the planet Venus is Diamond. It must be embedded in a ring on a ring finger and its bottom should touch the body part. Consult an astrologer before wearing it.

    To strengthen Venus, one should wear 6-faced rudraksha.

  • Ayurveda Remedies for Venus

    Venus According to Ayurveda According to Ayurveda, Venus shows primarily Kapha humor and also Vata humour. Kapha makes the organs of the body moist, it increases strength, regulates the mental balance and protects the tissues. Kapha dosha can make you lethargic, increase sleep, and feel cold. Itchy, increased secretion of eyes, nose, less motivated and depressed. Vata regulates movements and provides vitality in the body. It stimulates digestive enzymes for digestion. It is responsible for blood circulation, breathing, etc. Vata dosha can cause dryness, joint pain, cold, numbness in the body.

    Weak Venus can cause Kapha and Vata imbalance in the body. Do the following to minimize the ill effects.

    --> Consume ghee, buttermilk, cheese

    --> Drink enough water with liquid and fruit-based diet

    --> Take honey, hot ginger tea, pungent & hot herbal preparations will also be helpful

    --> Avoid cold, carbonated drinks, frozen foods

  • Yoga and Pranayama Remedies for Venus

    --> Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon posture)

    --> Parivrtta Utkatasana (Revolved chair posture)

    --> Virabhadrasana (Warrior Pose)

    --> Trikonasana (Triangle pose)

    --> Vrikshasana (Tree Pose)

    --> Shirshasana (Headstand)

    --> Anulom Vilom Pranayam and Surya Bhedana pranayama

  • Yantra Remedies for Venus
    Yantras are mathematical symbols or diagrams. Generally, they are used in worshipping deities and planet lords and also in tantric acts. When it is energized and worshiped daily, it can create positive influence around. Shukra Yantra is used to strengthen Venus. But bring yantra after consultation only.
  • Colour Therapy for Venus
    Colors are used to balance energy in the body. The seven chakras in the body are associated with different colours. Similarly, planets are also associated with different colours. Imbalance of any colour can create problems in that particular chakra and also on the planet. Color therapy can reduce that imbalance. White & Pink are the colours of Venus. So, wear more of these colored clothes to strengthen Venus.
  • Music Therapy for Venus
    Music will impact the mind in its own way. Every planet is associated with different raga and tala. So, working on these aspects can alter the planetary vibrations. Saranga is the Raga associated with Venus and regular listening of this raga can improve the prospect of Venus.

You can also find remedies for other planets here:

Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Saturn Rahu Ketu