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Selecting Profession based on Signs


Each sign or rasi in the horoscope differs from others. The 12 signs will behave in 12 different ways. Any sign can influence the native in selecting the career path based on the strength of its lord. The most dominant or strong planet in the horoscope can decide the career line. Although Ascendant, Moon sign, Sun sign, 10th house are important, any other house can determine one’s occupation. Some of the significations/sectors in terms of career for the 12 zodiacal signs are given below:

Aries (Mesha)

Aries is a fiery sign, moveable, first sign and ruled by Mars, its symbol is Ram. Aries is a very competitive sign and natives are energetic, passionate, optimistic, and dynamic in nature. Ariens are up for challenge anytime and will give their best effort in any situation. On the other hand, they may be reckless, dominating, impulsive in decision making, and angry in disposition. Ariens are action-oriented people and work very swiftly. They are entrepreneurs, athletic, energetic, and motivated by goals. Ariens will have plenty of energy, but they should know how to use that energy in the right way. Normally Ariens doesn’t like boring work, they need excitement or a thrilling experience in the work. The lord of the sign is Mars, who is a warrior, who always wants to be in the battlefield. Ideal occupation for Aries would be engineering, military, police, surgeon, dentists, sportsperson, Law enforcement officer, security personnel, architecture, journalism, defense, marketing, rescue workers, adventurer, entrepreneur, Professional athlete, Technician, etc. Read more on Aries Career

Taurus (Vrishabha)

Taurus is an earthy sign, fixed, ruled by Venus and symbol is bull. Taurus is characterized as practical, stable, and sensual. They are very firm in nature. Taureans are stable, devoted, responsible, and possessive individuals. They are skilled in artistic talents. They are not impulsive in spending and very sensible in managing finances. They work in an environment where patience is much needed. But Taurus should not be viewed as weak. The symbol of the sign is bull and it is signified as willpower, determination, and strength. Some of the suitable career opportunities are designing, finance field, interior decorators, jewelry industry, actors, musicians, entertainment industry, media, hospitality, garment sector, publicity agents, nursery, sculpture, gardening, vehicle dealers, horticulture, banking, finance, broking industry, sugar & cotton industry. Read more on Taurus Career

Gemini (Mithuna)

Gemini is an airy sign, dual, ruled by Mercury and symbol is twins. Gemini is a communicative sign. Geminians are dreamers and very ambitious people. These people would like to explore everything in the world. Geminians are multi-taskers. They are capable of doing multiple tasks simultaneously. Also, they can think from multiple angles so they will be good at games like chess, where a lot of thinking goes. They will be good communicators too. They are very intelligent and very sharp. Negative point is that they have a very wavering mind and will have difficulty in taking a firm stand. Suitable career fields for Geminians will be writing, journalism, teaching, diplomacy, auditing, accounting, mathematics, secretaries, orators, advisors, consultants, computer programmers, creative artists, marketing, advertising, tutors, aviation industry.Read more on Gemini Career

Cancer (Kataka)

Cancer is a watery sign, moveable, ruled by Moon and symbol is crab. Cancer is a sensitive and emotional sign. Cancerians want to be in a secure environment and at the same time they are protective of their loved ones, and also want to have protective personal and professional space. They enjoy every moment of life. Generally, the Cancerian manager will be a blessing for their subordinates. They treat them very well and are protective of them. Some of the professions which suit Cancerians are acting, photography, cinematography, writing, public speaking, anything related to marine, milk and its products, historian, childcare worker, art director, planner, oceanographer, nutritionist, home-based business owner, doctors, nursing, mediation, catering, antique dealer, organizational strategist, baker. Read more on Cancer Career

Leo (Simha)

Leo is a fiery sign, fixed sign, ruled by Sun and symbol is Lion. The natives with Leo signs like to be in a position where they will have authority and security. Leadership will come naturally to them. They are energetic and enthusiastic. Normally they would like to be in a higher position. Sometimes, they will become stubborn and dominating. They should learn to hold themselves. They have the business acumen in them. They will also do good in a career related to the government. Leo natives may not be hard workers, but they will find the shortcuts of doing the same work. They are very creative too. Some suitable career options for Leo are doctors, astronomers, politics, administration, diplomats, ambassadors, teaching, public speaking, investments and finance consultant, auditing, gold business, engineering, chemists, acting, cardiologist, Consultant, sports. Read more on Leo Career

Virgo (Kanya)

Virgo is an earthy sign, dual, ruled by Mercury and symbol is virgin. Virgo natives are very practical and easy-going. They are possessed with organizational capabilities and can manage any task at hand. They will be good at planning and scheduling the work and they can do this with perfection. Patience is another quality of Virgo natives. Jobs that require patience can be well suited for these individuals. Because of their ability to take fair judgment and firm decision making, Virgo natives are good at business. These qualities can come handy in investment and speculative business too. Some specific career options for Virgo natives are research, mathematics, finance, auditing, computing, astrology, architecture, investment banking, chartered accountant, brokers, statisticians, psychiatrist, healers, bookkeepers, lawyers, telecom, commerce. Read more on Virgo Career

Libra (Tula)

Libra is an airy sign, moveable, ruled by Venus and symbol is the scales. Libra natives are ambitious and work with a sense of purpose. They will judge the situation very well and act accordingly. They are the master planners. Librans are good team players. They will put the team ahead of self. So naturally, they will be an asset for any team. They are not the kind of people who will overburden themselves by taking big goals and targets. They take much effort in self appearance in terms of dressing and other skills. They are good at doing work-life balance. The suitable career options for Libra natives are law, judges, designing, interior decoration, finance, entertainment, diplomats, fashion designing, artists, air hostess, pilots, HR, beauticians, public service, electronics field, media management, pharmacist, garments industry. Read more on Libra Career

Scorpio (Vrishchika)

Scorpio is a watery sign, fixed, ruled by mars. Scorpio natives are a bit introvert. They will be passionate and energetic individuals. They are not very forthcoming in their approach. They possess a lot of hidden talents, but someone else has to find out the talents. Scorpions are good at making strategies and planning. They are keen observers and listening skills. Their emotional side is very active. They will be very sensitive towards others and people can easily share their feelings with scorpions. So these natives are not only team members but also a friend and guide to others. Hence scorpions are well suited for the jobs involving counseling, healing, psychology etc. Scorpions are good at presenting ideas in a crisp and sharp manner. They are naturally gifted with an investigative and probing mindset. So they can do good as research, detectives, investigators etc. The possible career prospects for Scorpions are doctors, healing, surgery, psychology, spirituality, yoga, analyst, counseling, chemists, nursing, occultists, oceanography, research, mining, drilling. Read more on Scorpio Career

Sagittarius (Dhanus)

Sagittarius is a fiery sign, dual, ruled by Jupiter. These individuals are sharp and noble beings. They follow the rules of the land and company well. They will be very focussed in their professional goals. They are possessed with presentation and interpersonal skills. Generally, Sagittarius natives are very active and popular in the team. They will be very friendly towards colleagues and counterparts. They like to work in a peaceful and healthy environment. They also want a safe and secure environment. So they do not try too many things and also do not complicate the matters too much. They will be very responsible in every undertaking and when they take any responsibility, they will make sure to complete the tasks. Mostly their memory will be higher than others and will be the storehouse of knowledge. The suitable career streams for Sagittarius natives can be teaching, preaching, administration, law, judge, public service, banking, diplomacy, tours & travels, consultants, ambassador, sports coaching, motivational speaker, philosophy, astrology, scholar, professor, priest, chartered accountant, magistrates, publisher. Read more on Sagittarius Career

Capricorn (Makara)

Capricorn is an earth sign, moveable, ruled by Saturn. Generally, Capricorn natives are hard-working, work with a purpose, and very practical. They are not risk-takers but work with patience and determination. If they decide to do something, they can leave everything else to complete the task at hand. Generally, they will have very fixed ideas, and take time in adapting to the new situation. They can be very materialistic and serious towards their work. They will be very devoted to their work,. Some of the possible career lines for Capricorn individuals are engineering, construction, agriculture, horticulture, contract & civil works, technicians, mining, exploring, metals and petroleum industry, banking, metallurgy, geology, accounts, administration etc.

Aquarius (Kumbha)

Aquarius is airy sign, fixed and ruled by Saturn. Aquarius natives are thinkers and highly independent. They have a tinge of philosophy in their talk and behavior. Aquarians are very focussed and ambitious. They will narrow down one option among several and go deep researching into it. They are good in long term planning and take a very visionary approach. They have very great reasoning power and use logic very well. The suitable career options for Aquarius natives are aviation industry, research, philosophers, science, computer hardware, automobile sector, metallurgy, administration, poetry, history, public relations, social work, astronomy etc.

Pisces (Meena)

Pisces is a watery sign, dual, and ruled by Jupiter. Pisces is a sensitive and emotional sign. They are compassionate and sensitive to others. Because of their helping nature, they will always be loved by teammates. If in managerial positions, they treat subordinates very well. Pisces natives are visionaries and good in long term planning. The suitable career options for Pisces are music, academician, acting, poetry, psychology, fisheries, shipping, navy, pharmacy, interior decoration, catering, philosophy, astrology, graphic designing, nursing, dealings in marine products, teaching, preaching, religious institutions, priest, orphanage, music, dance, direction, social work etc.