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Ashta Lakshmi Stotram in English

Ashta Lakshmi Stotra is a prayer dedicated to the eight forms of Goddess Lakshmi. Lakshmi is considered the Goddess of wealth and prosperity.
Ashta Lakshmi Stotram in English

Ashta Lakshmi Stotram Lyrics in English


|| Ashta Lakshmi Stotram ||


|| Adi Lakshmi ||

sumanasavandita sundari maadhavi, chandra sahodari hemamaye |
muniganavandita mokshapradaayini, manjulabhaashini vedanute ||
pankajavaasini devasupujita, sadgunavarshini shaantiyute |
jaya jaya he madhusoodanakaamini, aadilakshmi sadaa paalayamaam ||1||

|| Dhanya Lakshm ||

Ayi Kali Kalmashanaashini Kaamini, Vaidikaroopini Vedamaye |
Kshirasamudbhavamangalaroopini, Mantranivaasini Mantranute ||
Mangaladaayini Ambujavaasini, Devaganaashritapaadayute |
Jaya Jaya He Madhusoodanakaamini, Dhaanyalakshmi Sadaa Paalayamaam || 2 ||

|| Dhairya Lakshmi ||

jayavaravarnini vaishnavi bhaargavi, mantrasvaroopini mantramaye |
suraganapujita shIghraphalaprada, jnaanavikaasini shaastranute ||
bhavabhayahaarini paapavimochani, saadhujanaashrita paadayute |
jaya jaya he madhusudanakaamini, dhairyalakshmi sadaa paalayamaam ||3||

|| Gaja Lakshmi ||

jaya jaya durgatinaashini kaamini, sarvaphalapradashaastramaye |
rathagajaturagapadaatisamaavruta, parijanamandita lokasute ||
hariharabrahma supujita sevita, taapanivaarini paadayute |
jaya jaya he madhusudanakaamini, gajalakshmi sadaa paalayamaam ||4||

|| Santana Lakshmi ||

ayi khagavaahini mohini chakrimi, raagavivardhini jnaanamaye |
gunagana vaaridhi lokahitaishini, svarasaptabhushita gaananute ||
sakala suraasura devamunIshvara, maanavavandita paadayute |
jaya jaya he madhusudanakaamini, santaanalakshmi sadaa paalayamaam ||5||

|| Vijaya Lakshmi ||

jaya kamalaasini sadgunadaayini, jnaanavikaasini jnaanamaye |
anudinamarchitakumkumadhusara, bhushitavaasitavaadyanute ||
kanakadhaaraastuti vaibhavavandita, shankaradeshika maanyapade |
jaya jaya he madhusudanakaamini, vijayalakshmi sadaa paalayamaam ||6||

|| Vidya Lakshmi ||

pranata sureshvari bhaarati bhaargavi, shokavinaashini ratnamaye |
manimayabhushita karnavibhushana, shaantisamaavruta haasyamukhe ||
navanidhidaayini kalimalahaarini, kaamitaphalaprada hastayute |
jaya jaya he madhusudanakaamini, vidyaalakshmi sadaa paalayamaam ||7||

|| Dhana Lakshm ||

dheemhee dheemhee dhindheemhee, dhindheemhee dhindheemhee, dundubhi-naada sampurna-maye |
ghamha ghamha ghamghama, ghamghama ghamghama, shankha-nada-suvaadya-nute ||
veda-puraani-tihaasa-supuujita, vaidika-maarga pradarshayute |
jaya jaya he madhu-sudana-kaamini, dhana-lakshmi sadaa paalayamaam ||8||

|| iti Ashta Lakshmi Stotram sampurnam ||

About Ashta Lakshmi Stotram in English

Ashta Lakshmi Stotra is a prayer dedicated to the eight forms of Goddess Lakshmi. Lakshmi is considered the Goddess of wealth and prosperity. The devotees recite this mantra to obtain eight different types of wealth. These eight types of wealth are important to have prosperity and happiness in life. Life becomes complete, when one is blessed with all eight forms of wealth.

The Ashta Lakshmi stotram lyrics consists of eight stanzas or verses, dedicated to eight divine forms of Lakshmi. Each of these forms of Lakshmi is worshipped for specific blessings.

Adi Lakshmi - She is the primary form of the Goddess Lakshmi. ‘Adi’ means ‘primoridial’ or first. So Adi Lakshmi is considered to be the original or first form of Lakshmi. She is believed to be the source of all forms of wealth, including material and spiritual wealth. In this manifestation, Goddess supports the seeker to reach their source. She is often depicted with four arms, carrying a lotus, and sitting in a Varada mudra (blessing pose).

Dhanya Lakshmi - Dhanya Lakshmi is the form, worshipped as the goddess of agricultural wealth, that comes from the Earth. Dhanya means grain or food. So she is associated with bountiful harvest and agricultural wealth. She is responsible for all the grains, vegetables, and other food sources. Dhanya Lakshmi is depicted with four arms with green clothes, holding a sheaf of paddy, sugarcane, and a pot of gold.

Dhairya Lakshmi - Dhairya Lakshmi is a form worshipped as the Goddess of courage, confidence, and strength. Dhairya means courage. So she is associated with courage and inner strength that is required to face life’s challenges. Dhairya Lakshmi is often depicted with four arms, sitting beside a lion, in red garments, carrying a chakra, shankha, bow and arrow, or trishula.

Gaja Lakshmi - Gaja Lakshmi is a form worshipped as the Goddess of abundance and wealth associated with animals such as cattle. In Sanskrit, Gaja means elephant. In the olden days, animals such as cows, horses, sheep, or elephants were part of human life. These were considered wealth. Gaja Lakshmi is depicted as four-armed, surrounded by two elephants, carrying lotus flower.

Santana Lakshmi - Santana Lakshmi is the form worshipped as the Goddess of progeny and fertility. Santana in Sanskrit means progeny. Santana Lakshmi blesses the devotee with a gift of children and ensures their well-being. She is depicted holding a child on her lap and the child is holding the lotus flower.

Vijaya Lakshmi - Vijaya Lakshmi is the form worshipped as the Goddess of Victory or success. Vijaya or Jaya means victory. Vijaya Lakshmi will bless her devotees with success and victory in their endeavors. It is necessary to conquer all the hurdles to achieve success. She is often depicted holding chakra, a sword, and a shield.

Vidya Lakshmi - Vidya Lakshmi is the form worshipped as the Goddess of knowledge, and wisdom. She is also associated with arts, music, literature, creativity, or any other talent. She will bless her devotees with knowledge and intelligence. It is necessary to have the blessing of Vidya Lakshmi to succeed in any academic pursuits. She is often depicted as sitting in a white dress, holding a book in one hand.

Dhana Lakshmi - Dhana Lakshmi is the form worshipped as the Goddess of material wealth and prosperity. She gives financial stability and affluence. Wealth can be in any form such as currency, gold, silver, or any other material wealth. She is worshiped by her devotees to seek blessings for material success and prosperity. Dhana Lakshmi is often depicted with six arms with red garments, and she holds various symbols of wealth such as a pot of gold or coins.

Ashta Lakshmi Stotram Meaning in English

It is always better to know the meaning of the mantra while chanting. The translation of the Ashta Lakshmi Stotram Lyrics is given below. You can chant this daily with devotion to receive the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi.

  • | Adi Lakshmi |
    sumanasavandita sundari maadhavi, chandra sahodari hemamaye |
    muniganavandita mokshapradaayini, manjulabhaashini vedanute ||
    pankajavaasini devasupujita, sadgunavarshini shaantiyute |
    jaya jaya he madhusoodanakaamini, aadilakshmi sadaa paalayamaam ||1||

    Salutations to Adi Lakshmi. The righteous people worship you, you are the beautiful consort of Madhava, sister of Chandra, and filled with gold. You are worshiped by sages, you are the bestower of moksha (salvation), you speak sweetly, and is praised in the Vedas. You reside on a lotus flower and worshiped by the Devas. You shower noble qualities and you are always at peace. Victory to the consort of Madhusudana (another name of Lord Vishnu, who destroyed the demon Madhu). Victory to the Goddess Adi Lakshmi, the primordial Goddess, kindly protect us always!

  • | Dhaanya Lakshmi |
    Ayi Kali Kalmashanaashini Kaamini, Vaidikaroopini Vedamaye,
    Kshirasamudbhavamangalaroopini, Mantranivaasini Mantranute,
    Mangaladaayini Ambujavaasini, Devaganaashritapaadayute,
    Jaya Jaya He Madhusoodanakaamini, Dhaanyalakshmi Sadaa Paalayamaam || 2 ||

    Salutations to Dhaanya Lakshmi. You are the destroyer of the filth and sins of Kali Yuga. You are blissful and the embodiment of Vedic knowledge. You have emanated from the milky ocean, therefore associated with auspiciousness and prosperity. You reside in the mantras and are worshiped by the mantras as well. You reside in the lotus flower. You are the auspicious benefactor. Devas take shelter at your feet. May the consort of Madhusudana be victorious. Victory to the Goddess Dhaanya lakshmi who is worshiped as the goddess of prosperity and agricultural resources. Please protect us always!

  • | Dhairya Lakshmi |
    jayavaravarnini vaishnavi bhaargavi, mantrasvaroopini mantramaye |
    suraganapujita shIghraphalaprada, jnaanavikaasini shaastranute ||
    bhavabhayahaarini paapavimochani, saadhujanaashrita paadayute |
    jaya jaya he madhusudanakaamini, dhairyalakshmi sadaa paalayamaam ||3||

    Salutations to Dhairya Lakshmi. You are the descendant of a great lineage, the daughter of Bhargava, and the worshipper of Vishnu. You are the embodiment of mantras and the one who is praised through them. You are worshiped by the gods. you bestow quick results. You promote knowledge and praised by the scriptures. You dispel all kinds of fears and liberates from sins and pious people take refuge at your feet. Victory to the Goddess Dhairya lakshmi who is worshiped as the embodiment of courage, please protect us always!

  • | Gaja Lakshmi |
    jaya jaya durgatinaashini kaamini, sarvaphalapradashaastramaye |
    rathagajaturagapadaatisamaavruta, parijanamandita lokasute ||
    hariharabrahma supujita sevita, taapanivaarini paadayute |
    jaya jaya he madhusudanakaamini, gajalakshmi sadaa paalayamaam ||4||

    Salutations to Gaja Lakshmi. Victory to the one who removes hardships peacefully. You are the essence of scriptures and bestows all desired fruits. You are surrounded by an army of elephants, chariots, horses, and soldiers and worshipped by devotees all over the world. You are worshipped and served by none other than Hari, Hara, and Brahma. Your feet removes all the sufferings of devotees. Victory to the Goddess Gaja Lakshmi who is worshiped as the embodiment of abundance and prosperity, please protect us always!

  • | Santana Lakshmi |
    ayi khagavaahini mohini chakrimi, raagavivardhini jnaanamaye |
    gunagana vaaridhi lokahitaishini, svarasaptabhushita gaananute ||
    sakala suraasura devamunIshvara, maanavavandita paadayute |
    jaya jaya he madhusudanakaamini, santaanalakshmi sadaa paalayamaam ||5||

    Salutations to Santana Lakshmi. You are the one who rides on Garuda, the enchantress who is holding a chakra, the embodiment of knowledge who increases affection. You are the ocean of good qualities and desires only the well-being of the world. You are praised by the seven notes of music. All devas, demons, sages, and humans fall on your feet. Victory to the Goddess Santana Lakshmi who is worshiped as the Goddess of progeny, please protect us always!

  • | Vijaya Lakshm |
    jaya kamalaasini sadgunadaayini, jnaanavikaasini jnaanamaye |
    anudinamarchitakumkumadhusara, bhushitavaasitavaadyanute ||
    kanakadhaaraastuti vaibhavavandita, shankaradeshika maanyapade |
    jaya jaya he madhusudanakaamini, vijayalakshmi sadaa paalayamaam ||6||

    Salutations to Goddess Vijaya Lakshmi. Victory to the lotus-seated Goddess, who leads to salvation, and who manifests knowledge and enlightenment. You are worshipped daily with vermillion and sweet fragrances, adorned with beautiful clothing and jewelry, and praised with music and instruments. You are praised and honored for your greatness in Kanakadhara Stuti of Adi Shankara. Victory to the Goddess Vijaya Lakshmi who is worshiped as the embodiment of victory, please protect us always!

  • | Vidya Lakshmi |
    pranata sureshvari bhaarati bhaargavi, shokavinaashini ratnamaye |
    manimayabhushita karnavibhushana, shaantisamaavruta haasyamukhe ||
    navanidhidaayini kalimalahaarini, kaamitaphalaprada hastayute |
    jaya jaya he madhusudanakaamini, vidyaalakshmi sadaa paalayamaam ||7||

    Salutations to the Goddess Vidya Lakshmi. I bow down to the queen of Gods, who is the daughter of Bhargava, destroyer of grief, and adorned with jewels. You are adorned with earrings with precious gems and your smiling face radiates peace. You are the bestower of nine types of treasures, destroyer of impurities and sins of Kaliyuga, holding the fruit of desires in your hand. Victory to the Goddess Vidya Lakshmi who is worshiped as the Goddess of knowledge, please protect us always!

  • | Dhana Lakshmi |
    dheemhee dheemhee dhindheemhee, dhindheemhee dhindheemhee, dundubhi-naada sampurna-maye |
    ghamha ghamha ghamghama, ghamghama ghamghama, shankha-nada-suvaadya-nute ||
    veda-puraani-tihaasa-supuujita, vaidika-maarga pradarshayute |
    jaya jaya he madhu-sudana-kaamini, dhana-lakshmi sadaa paalayamaam ||8||

    Salutations to the Goddess Dhana Lakshmi. You make the atmosphere full of joy with Dhindhimi sound of a large drum and the melodious sound of Shankha (conch). You are worshipped by the Vedas, Puranas, and Itihasas and you show the path of Vedic tradition. Victory to the Goddess Dhana Lakshmi who is worshiped as the Goddess of wealth, please protect us always!